
Organization // Calender/Planner Washitape Method

Hi! Hope you're having a fantastic day ...and I hope I can make it even better with this post!   :)

Today's post is a simple trick to having an organized and readable calender or planner!

So here's the trick: washitape!

There are so many different washitapes that are all cute and fun! It's best to use light colored ones for this idea.

 above photo ^ found here

Anyways, what you do is tape down the washitape over the period of time of an event. On the tape, write what the event or occasion is.

This is simple trick will clean up your planner in a second! Not only that, but it's so fun to personalize your calender with whatever tape you want.

And don't forget... It's a wonderful excuse to buy more washitape. ;)

If your writing won't show up on the tape, I suggest using a sharpie.

If it still doesn't show up, then you can always take a white sticker and put it over the part of the tape where you want to write. Then you can just write on the white sticker as seen here:

Hope you enjoyed the post! Thanks for reading.  :)
