
Open When Letters (Valentine DIY)

Hi ya'll :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

So obviously, todays post is a last minute Valentine's DIY gift.

I'm absolutely in love with this idea, and I hope you are too! I made this gift for my best friend and had so much fun personalizing each one.

So... without further ado (I don't know if I spelled that right oops)

                  I present to you...

        Open When Letters. DIY (Last Minute) Present!

To summarize what I did, I took a ton of blank stationary and wrote letters according to each topic. On the envelop, instead of putting the address, I wrote "Open When..". For example: on one letter I wrote "Open when are you sad." I did these for each other the leters, and then inside I wrote a personalized note. Here is a list of all the topics/"Open When"'s I used.

Open When...

You're sad. Put a piece of chocolate (or favorite candy) in the envelop.

You can't sleep.

It was just on of those "ew" days. Encourage him/her and put some funny pictures of the two of you in the envelop too.

You need a hug.

You need a laugh. Put funny pictures in the letter.

High-school starts tomorrow.

College starts tomorrow.

You really really miss someone.

You are going to see someone you haven't seen in a long time and you really really missed them.

You break up and you miss him.

You break up and you're mad at him.

You miss me.

You're crying. Put some tissues in the envelop.

Someone said something bad about you.

You got in a fight with your parents and/or a close friends.

I'm being a bad friend.

I'm frustrated with you

You are frustrated with me.

You need a laugh.

You are tired.

You can't focus. Put a piece of gum in the letter.

Something really exciting is happening tomorrow.

You're bored. Give her ideas of things to do or put puzzles and word games in the letters.

You're trying to save up for something and you're having trouble.

Hope those ideas were helpful! Thanks for reading!
